Wednesday, December 16, 2009


As I approach the end of this semester it is time to reflect on it.

This semester has been very good. My class ED 407 has taught me so much. I really enjoyed going to class every Wednesday evening because I always left with new knowledge. I enjoyed 407 because not only did I learn but was able to apply what I learned. I created this blog, a database, a “Jing”, a professional website, and a WebQuest. I have learned that education is changing and technology is a big influence of that change. A big part of my learning is due to my instructor. The instructor of my class ED407 was great. She had a great attitude, was always excited to teach us that made us excited to learn. She was also very helpful and very nice. I will miss going to class next Wednesday. But because of what I learned I will continue to write on my blog, continue to read about the impacts technology is having on education, and learning how to apply technology in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I learned so much over this semester. It was really interesting to learn about all the ways that you can use technology in education. I never would have thought about using cellphones in the classroom before this class.
